Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step

Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step:



Lampp installed (If you are windows user then you may be knowing xampp, lampp is the alternate to xampp in ubuntu/linux).

How to install wordpress locally in windows ?


Step 1: Download the wordpress. Extract it.

Step 2: Open the lampp and start the mysql and apache web server.


sudo /opt/lampp/


Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Step 3: Open the lampp folder using this command,


nautilus /opt



Paste the extracted wordpress to htdocs folder.

Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


After I pasted wp it looks like this,

Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Step 4: Create the database name, username password in phpmyadmin


Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step

I have created the database as: wp


username and password I did not create anything, so we can give the default one:


username: root


password: no password (empty by default).


This is the default one in the lampp localhost installed.


Step 5: Now open the http://localhost/wp/ in browser, it will be automatically redirected to ,


Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Create wp-config.php file under wp root folder and paste the below snippet:

Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Sometime it will create the wordpress database if you run through it. If you get the above message then copy paste this wp-config.php file.


You are almost done.


Step 6: Enter site title, username and passwords

Click install wordpress.


Installation  success, now you can see the admin panel now,

Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step



Installing wordpress in Ubuntu step by step


Feel free to write your commands in the below command sections.


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